Live event or show
Participants will be met by MVDC’s Wellbeing Walks Co-ordinator, Estelle Holmes, and taken on a short walk from Okewood St John the Baptist Church to this beautiful garden followed by a guided tour by Curator, Vikki Leedham, before returning to the car park. Booking essential. Only 35 places available.
Event content type
Photography/art • Outdoor event
Audience suitability
Suitable for all
Venue & location
Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden, Ockley, Black and White Cottage, Standon Lane, Ockley, RH5 5QR
Event Dates and Times
Tuesday 8th October - 11:00 am to 3:30 pm
Registration/Booking information
Free to attend - Booking required
Booking Email:
Ticket Price: £
Please email Estelle Holmes to reserve your ticket
Event organiser
Name: Estelle Holmes